Mardi le 30 mars 2021 vous êtes invités à une présentation sur le challenge “break” de la compétition “Flare-On”.

Give your brain a break: solving Flare-On 7 ‘break’ challenge

We will start with a brief introduction to Flare-On competition and then dive into analysis of ‘break’ challenge (#10). This was, in my opinion, one of the most interesting Flare-On challenges to date, with plenty of neat tricks for obfuscating the code, complicating analysis, and making debugging as painful as possible. Should be fun! :wink:

0xd13a (Dmitriy Beryoza)


Dmitriy is a security researcher with Vectra AI, working on threat detection in on-prem networks and in the cloud. Before that he was a penetration tester and secure software development advocate at IBM. Originally a software developer, he worked on projects of all kinds and sizes before switching to security full time. Interests: reverse engineering, secure software development, and CTF competitions.


Crédit photo: CC FlickR lapolab